Lemon Cream Cheese Pound Cake

Imagine sinking your teeth into a slice of perfectly moist and tangy Lemon Cream Cheese Pound Cake. This delectable dessert is a heavenly combination of creamy, rich cream cheese and zesty lemon, creating a flavor explosion that will leave your taste buds begging for more. With its luscious texture and refreshing citrus notes, this pound cake is guaranteed to be a showstopper at any gathering or simply a delightful treat to enjoy on a lazy afternoon with a cup of tea. Get ready to indulge in a slice of pure bliss with every bite of this irresistible Lemon Cream Cheese Pound Cake.

Lemon Cream Cheese Pound Cake


To make a delicious lemon cream cheese pound cake, you will need the following ingredients:


Butter adds richness and flavor to the pound cake. Make sure it is at room temperature so that it can be easily creamed with the other ingredients.

Cream cheese

Cream cheese is the key ingredient that gives this pound cake its moist and creamy texture. Use full-fat cream cheese for the best results.


Sugar provides sweetness and helps to create a tender crumb in the cake. Granulated white sugar works best in this recipe.


Eggs act as a binding agent and also provide structure to the pound cake. They add richness and help to create a light and fluffy texture.

Lemon zest

Lemon zest adds a bright and refreshing citrus flavor to the pound cake. Be sure to zest the lemons before juicing them.

Lemon juice

Fresh lemon juice is essential for that tart and tangy flavor. It adds a burst of citrus that pairs perfectly with the cream cheese.

Vanilla extract

Vanilla extract enhances the overall flavor of the pound cake and adds a subtle sweetness. Use pure vanilla extract for the best results.

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All-purpose flour

All-purpose flour is the base of the cake. It provides structure and stability to the batter.

Baking powder

Baking powder is a leavening agent that helps the cake to rise and gives it a light and airy texture.


Salt balances the flavors in the pound cake and enhances the other ingredients. It is important for achieving the perfect taste.


Now that you have all your ingredients ready, let’s go through the preparation process step by step.

Preheat the oven

Before starting the batter, preheat your oven to the recommended temperature. This ensures that the cake bakes evenly and rises properly.

Prepare the pan

Grease and flour a bundt pan or a loaf pan to prevent the cake from sticking. This will make it easier to remove the cake from the pan once it’s baked.

Cream the butter and cream cheese

In a large mixing bowl, cream together the softened butter and cream cheese until smooth and well combined. This step is crucial for creating a creamy and smooth texture in the cake.

Add sugar and eggs

Gradually add the sugar to the creamed butter and cream cheese mixture. Beat until light and fluffy. Then, add the eggs one at a time, mixing well after each addition. This helps create a light and airy texture in the pound cake.

Mix in lemon zest, lemon juice, and vanilla extract

Add the lemon zest, lemon juice, and vanilla extract to the batter. These ingredients give the pound cake its signature tangy lemon flavor. Mix well until everything is evenly incorporated.

Combine the dry ingredients

In a separate bowl, whisk together the all-purpose flour, baking powder, and salt. This helps to ensure that the dry ingredients are evenly distributed throughout the cake.

Add the dry ingredients to the wet mixture

Gradually add the dry ingredients to the wet mixture, mixing until just combined. Be careful not to overmix, as this can result in a dense cake. The batter should be smooth and thick.

Pour the batter into the pan

Transfer the batter to the prepared pan, spreading it evenly. Make sure to level the top of the batter with a spatula for an even rise.

Bake the cake

Place the pan in the preheated oven and bake according to the recipe instructions. The baking time may vary depending on the size of the pan and the oven, so it’s important to monitor the cake closely. The cake is done when a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.

Cool and serve

Once the cake is baked, remove it from the oven and let it cool in the pan for a few minutes. Then, transfer it to a wire rack to cool completely before serving. The pound cake can be enjoyed as is or with a glaze or frosting for extra sweetness.


Looking to switch things up a bit? Here are some delicious variations of the lemon cream cheese pound cake that you can try:

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Blueberry lemon cream cheese pound cake

Add fresh or frozen blueberries to the batter for a burst of juicy sweetness. The combination of blueberries and lemon creates a lovely flavor balance.

Raspberry lemon cream cheese pound cake

Incorporate raspberries into the batter for a tangy and sweet twist. The vibrant red color of the raspberries adds a beautiful touch to the cake.

Lemon poppy seed cream cheese pound cake

Mix in poppy seeds for a delightful crunch and a unique flavor combination. The lemon and poppy seed pairing never fails to impress.

Chocolate lemon cream cheese pound cake

For all the chocolate lovers out there, add some cocoa powder and chocolate chips to the batter. The combination of chocolate and lemon creates a decadent and indulgent treat.

Feel free to experiment with other fruits, nuts, or spices to create your own variations of the lemon cream cheese pound cake. The possibilities are endless!

Tips and Tricks

To ensure that your lemon cream cheese pound cake turns out perfect every time, here are some helpful tips and tricks:

Use room temperature ingredients for better mixing

Allowing your butter, cream cheese, and eggs to come to room temperature before starting the recipe will result in a smoother and more evenly mixed batter.

Zest the lemons before juicing them

Zesting the lemons before juicing ensures that you capture all the fragrant oils from the peel. This adds an intense lemon flavor to the pound cake.

Add a glaze or frosting for extra sweetness

If you prefer a sweeter cake, you can drizzle a lemon glaze or frost the pound cake with cream cheese frosting. This adds an extra layer of sweetness and enhances the overall presentation.

Store the cake in an airtight container

To keep the pound cake fresh for longer, store it in an airtight container at room temperature. This helps to prevent it from drying out and ensures that it stays moist.

Serve with fresh berries or whipped cream

For an extra touch of freshness, serve the lemon cream cheese pound cake with a side of fresh berries or a dollop of whipped cream. The bright flavors of the berries pair beautifully with the tangy lemon cake.


Encountering some issues with your lemon cream cheese pound cake? Here are some common problems and their solutions:

Cake is too dense

If your cake turns out dense and heavy, it may be due to overmixing the batter or using too much flour. Be sure to mix the batter just until the dry ingredients are incorporated, and measure the flour accurately.

Cake is dry

Dryness in a pound cake can be caused by overbaking. To prevent this, make sure to check for doneness around the recommended baking time. If the toothpick comes out clean, remove the cake from the oven immediately.

Cake is not rising

A cake that fails to rise can be the result of expired or improperly measured baking powder. Check the expiration date of your baking powder and ensure that you are using the correct amount as stated in the recipe.

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Cake has a bitter taste

A bitter taste can occur if too much lemon zest is added or if the lemon zest is not properly washed. Be cautious when adding lemon zest, and always wash your lemons thoroughly before zesting.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have some burning questions about making lemon cream cheese pound cake? Here are the answers to some commonly asked questions:

Can I use margarine instead of butter?

While margarine can be used as a substitute for butter, it may affect the taste and texture of the pound cake. Butter is recommended for the best results, as it provides superior flavor and richness.

Can I use low-fat cream cheese?

Low-fat cream cheese can be used, but it may result in a slightly less rich and moist pound cake. Full-fat cream cheese is recommended for the best texture and flavor.

Can I substitute lemon zest with lemon extract?

Lemon zest adds the fresh and vibrant flavor of lemon to the pound cake. Lemon extract may not provide the same intensity of flavor, but a small amount can be used as a substitute if needed.

Can I use self-rising flour instead of all-purpose flour?

Self-rising flour already contains leavening agents, so it may affect the texture of the pound cake. Stick to all-purpose flour and use the specified amount of baking powder for the best results.

Can I freeze the cake?

Yes, the lemon cream cheese pound cake can be frozen for up to 3 months. Wrap it tightly in plastic wrap or place it in an airtight container before freezing. Thaw the cake in the refrigerator overnight before serving.

Storage and Shelf Life

Once the lemon cream cheese pound cake is baked and cooled, it can be stored for up to 1 week in the refrigerator. To prolong its freshness, wrap it tightly in plastic wrap or store it in an airtight container.

If you need to store the cake for a longer period, it can be frozen for up to 3 months. Thaw it in the refrigerator overnight before serving or enjoy it slightly chilled.

Health Benefits

While the lemon cream cheese pound cake is undoubtedly a delicious treat, it also offers some health benefits:

Good source of Vitamin C from lemons

Lemons are packed with Vitamin C, which is known for its antioxidant properties and immune-boosting benefits. Indulging in a slice of this pound cake can provide a small dose of this essential vitamin.

Calcium from cream cheese

Cream cheese contains calcium, which is important for maintaining healthy bones and teeth. Although pound cake should be enjoyed in moderation, it can be a small source of this essential mineral.

Provides energy from flour and sugar

The all-purpose flour and sugar in the pound cake provide a quick source of energy. This can be especially beneficial before engaging in physical activities or when you need a little pick-me-up.


The lemon cream cheese pound cake is perfect for various occasions and gatherings. Here are some events where this versatile dessert shines:


Celebrate someone’s special day with a homemade lemon cream cheese pound cake. It’s a crowd-pleaser that can be enjoyed by all ages.


Whether it’s a milestone anniversary or a romantic date night, the lemon cream cheese pound cake is a delightful dessert to enjoy together. Its tangy and sweet flavors are a perfect representation of lasting love.

Potluck gatherings

Impress your friends and family at potluck gatherings with the lemon cream cheese pound cake. It’s easy to transport and always a hit with a crowd.

Tea parties

Add a touch of elegance to your tea party with a lemon cream cheese pound cake. Its delicate flavors and moist texture make it a perfect accompaniment to a cup of tea.

Dessert for any occasion

From casual get-togethers to formal dinners, the lemon cream cheese pound cake is a versatile dessert that can be enjoyed at any occasion. Its simplicity and deliciousness make it a go-to choice for dessert lovers.


In conclusion, the lemon cream cheese pound cake is a delightful and versatile dessert that is sure to satisfy your sweet tooth. With its tangy lemon flavor and rich cream cheese, it’s a cake that can be enjoyed for any occasion. Whether you make it for a special celebration or simply to indulge yourself, this pound cake won’t disappoint. So gather your ingredients, follow the steps, and enjoy the taste of this delightful treat!